Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Our Little Gardener

Last week the vegetable beds needed digging up so we hired our own private gardener to do the work.....

Digging in Veg Bed (69)b

First, he puzzled over what needed to be done......

Digging in Veg Bed (47)b

then he checked the soil....

Digging in Veg Bed (20)b

then he checked the tools.

Digging in Veg Bed (27)b

Then he dug....

Digging in Veg Bed (40)b

and dug.....

Digging in Veg Bed (31)b

and dug.

Digging in Veg Bed (53)b

That load's ready for off now Daddy.

Digging in Veg Bed (45)b

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  1. These are magic - love the puzzled face.
    Was that a yawn in photo 6 - hope he's getting well rewarded for his hard work.

  2. put him in a box and send him our way...the weeds are getting out of control, could do with some manual labour!! ps you're great at getting a narrative out of your pics!
