Thursday, 24 September 2009

Lawnmower Troubles

The next time you buy me a lawnmower Auntie L will you please buy me one that fits in the washing machine.....

Lawnmower in Washing Machine (2)b

It just won't go in!

Lawnmower in Washing Machine (3)b

What do I do now?

Lawnmower in Washing Machine (4)b

I'll just go and mow the couch instead.

Lawnmower on Couch (4)b
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  1. Maybe you should try the bath JT - it would fit there. This must be one of your favourite toys.
    I think mummy will have to keep an eye on the washing machine from now on- you never know what she might find in there.

  2. Oh that is so funny. What is it about kids? I love these adventures with your wee man :)

  3. Rhyleysgranny - it's great to be able to share these special little moments with others.

    Granny P - I took a load of shirts out of the washing machine the other day and found a watering can in amongst them!!!

  4. I'm so glad he's getting use out of it! who would have thought!!maybe you could train him up young to use a ride on for your 'garden!'
    so cute!x
