Monday, 9 November 2009

An Autumnal Walk

Having spent many days (and even weeks) recently couch-ridden due to sickness, Mummy and JT finally got out for a walk in the leaves.

Playing with Leaves 2

You have no idea how much fun leaves can be..........

Playing with Leaves 4

Playing with Leaves 1

Here, you try Mummy.....

Playing with Leaves 3

Can I eat them?

Playing with Leaves 5

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  1. The many faces of Jacob. Looks like JT had a fun time -looking so big. Great to have you back -missing the photos.

  2. his wee face and smile in the second pic is so cute!!

    well matched hoodie to all the autumn colours, lovely that you got some pics while they were still about..

    glad your both out and about again..xx
